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Thursday, April 29, 2010

What is AP?

I talk about AP on my blog from time to time. I thought i would blog about what it is. :)
This is taken from AP website, i will be happy to send more information if you request it.
1.Preparation for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting
2.Feed with Love and Respect
3.Respond with Sensitivity
4.Use Nurturing Touch
5.Ensure Safe Sleep, Physically and Emotionally
6.Provide Consistent Loving Care
7.Practice Positive Discipline
8.Strive for Balance in Personal and Family Life

Kieran, Fun~

Molly just adores her friend Kieran. She talks about him all.the.time. We are so lucky to have meet Kieran and his mama Dionna, fellow APer's. (attachment parent)
They had a great time today painting the windows.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Papa's 60th

What a great time we had tonight at Papa's party. The house band played, papa on mandolin, uncle bruce on guitar, uncle nathan on bass and john played the banjo. Molly absolutely loved it. She made her rounds and had "dancing feet"
Dad grilled out, and we ate way too much. The cake was a huge success.


Molly loves looking at her self...and why wouldn't she?

She caught her eye in the oven glass.

Licking the spoon

We are celebrating Papa's 60th birthday tonight. Molly helped me make a texas sheet cake, one of our family favorites. She even got to lick the batter, sans egg. :)
that is bliss on her sweet little face.

Smartie girl

Molly is learning so much everyday....
here are some of the highlights.
* she spelt her name, this impressed the heck out of me. she grabbed the *m* block...then said "o.l.l.y" :)
* she shakes your hand and says "nice to meet you!" this is courtesy of Joe.
* forget the ladder, Molly climbs up her slide, all 5 feet of it!
*she loves singing songs and reading books. Favorites now are "wheels on the bus," complete with the moves, "twinkle, twinkle, doe a deer, and take me out to the ball game." Her favorite books are "on the day you were born, the very quite cricket and her birthday book, made by grandma. (it is VERY cool, ask to see it when you come over.)
and as always we fall more in love how is that possible? :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Adventures @ Jay and Tammys, the greats

We had a great time at Jay and Tammy's today. Phil, Rachel and baby Jackson, also came out. Molly rode on Jay's shoulders out to the pond. She loved watching the dogs play in the water, the train and the hang glider. Molly also enjoyed watering the tomatoes with Tammy, playing ball with daddy...and LOVED the 4 wheeler.

i love this picture of Jay and Molly checking each other out. :)


Molly and I ventured out to the kite fest. She really enjoyed the kites...for about 10 minutes. :)
I left my camera in the car, so here is a picture as we drove away.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Smoothie Face

Molly loves smoothies!

Ms. Jackie

Today, Ms. Jackie lost her battle to lung cancer. She was a very kind lady who was very loving and generous to our little Molly. She sent her the sweetest outfits, books, toys and cards.
I am so glad she and Joe made the trip from Ohio last year to meet Molly. She, grandpa Joe and her family are in our thoughts.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Zoo Day

Nathan and Annie joined Molly and I on our trip to the Zoo. We had a great time, although molly was unsure about the merry-go-round.

Annie turns 4

Annie turned 4 today, we had family dinner and cake. Molly was loving the cake. :) I also included pictures from her school party.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

double fistin'

Molly fell asleep with a golf ball in each hand.....

20 months

Sweet little Molly is just growing, learning and coming into her own. She is such an amazing little creature.
Here are some of her accomplishments~
She now counts to 10, and says yeah to signify her finale... too cute
*loves to sing, Yellow submarine, Take me out to the ball game, doe a deer, twinkle twinkle, thumb kin, muffin man and patty cake.
*calls us jenny mama and joey daddy...we call her molly baby.
* really good at her alphabet, usually gets 8 or 9 letter in a row right then muddles it a bit.
*she is such a Rhea, she loves to play with her balls,(that sounds funny?!) and has a heck of an arm on her.
* loves to jump, hop and dance.

Molly really is her own person. I just love these pictures that Carina took. The one of molly walking away really captures the essence of Molly. She walks away with the dismissive and dainty hand posturing. As if to say, "Yes, I heard you. Thanks for your opinion on what we should be doing, but I'm going this way instead." That is Molly. :)

Daddy's new job....

I am so thankful that Joe see's the value in me being a stay at home mom. We really feel like Molly is thriving, and she is *so* happy.
As you all know Joe is a public speaker, but unfortunately many collages no longer have a budget to bring him in, so Joe went and got a job.
This job seems perfect for him, the owner told Joe that if he does have a chance to speak, he can. That is awesome. Joe is working for he sales internet ads, so if you know anyone that wants to advertise let us know.
Molly is adjusting to her daddy's new job outside of the home. She really is love bug, and wants to give daddy lots of snuggles before he heads off to work. We always stand at the door and wave goodbye. Through out the day molly says, "daddy, work." Thanks daddy~

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Thank you easter bunny~bock bock

We had a great afternoon at mom and dad's for Easter. Good food, good people....good day.